Name: Jessica Delfos

Age: 40


How did you start in Archery?

Phil bought me a bow for our first date LOL!


How Many Years Have You Been Involved In Archery?

10 years


Who’s Your Local Club?

Not a member of any club.


What Type of Archery Do You Shoot?

Compound bow


Do You Hunt?



Favourite Archery Memory?

There’s so many, but the Benchmark in Coffs recently was pretty memorable with Phil and I taking 1st in Hunters Class.


What About Archery Appeals To You?

I love hunting and using a bow, I grew up hunting with guns and it’s just so different, I love the stalk and the silence when you shoot a bow while hunting. With a gun you would scare everything away but with a bow you have other opportunities.


Are Any Family Members Involved In Archery?

We hunt as a family as often as we can, my 9 year old just started shooting his first compound after shooting recurve the last 4 or 5 years.


First and Current Bow?

First: Winchester.

Current: Bowtech Eva Shockey Gen2

25.5 inch draw 45 lb

Gold tip hunter arrows


What Are Some of Your Great Achievements In Or Outside of Archery?

NSW Title at Benchmark


Do You Have Any Sponsors?



Any Last Words or Words of Encouragement for other Females Archers?

Archery is a great sport and gets you out in nature. If you’re having any doubts about your skill level there are always people who are happy to help. I have always found the archery community to be very welcoming.